I Lost It! I Lost It ALL and This Picture FITS!

It has been said that frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success. While this may be very true – it has my absolute, complete, and full resistance. Welcome to the rebuild of my website after a miscommunication resulted in a crash of my website followed by the discovery that NOTHING had been saved!  I get palpitations and HEAT just thinking about it. Deep breath….. Focus….. KARMA… Woo Saa….  I pick myself up, I dust myself off and rebuild.  I learn.  Counting all the tears and frustration as JOY and I do my best to keep it moving.  Please note that this blog is a test and an opening at the same time.  It captures me in urgent mode dealing with something in which I have very little skill or expertise.  So skip this one if you like.  I’m and getting into the practice of using WordPress.

Guess what else? Just when I thought I had me all figured out – I learn more things about myself. So I am starting to test this site because the excellent people who are rebuilding it for me are not going to always be available and I need to make sure I have got the hang of this… First thing is to post a blog that is going to be about the average blog length for me. Here goes our test… THIS IS BLOG POST TEST 1

And as the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy moon… Or was it dog? Oh shucks… I can’t remember. But if you are actually checking into my site and reading… feel free to leave a comment.

My first question is WHY CAN’T I ACTUALLY SEE THE IMAGE THAT IS GOING TO POST WITH MY BLOG? I don’t like all this squiggly letter and number stuff. I am not a coder. I am a “cut and paste-er”. So I need a program that will allow me to click a button that says “featured image” and give me a choice that says middle, left, or right, above article, below article… etc.. and when that image shows up in the “featured image box, then I can know that it will show on my site. This is very much UNLIKE what is happening to me now. I’ve got the most beautiful multicolored flower that is not showing up.

Wait… I just thought of something…. What if things look strange to me because the experts are still building the site? ::::SENSING AN OVERWHELMING WAVE OF EMBARASSMENT::::::::  uh oh… Soooo….ummm…. I am going to just do some cut and pastes of characters until I get to about 1000 words because I want to see what happens. And if my OUTSTANDING team of coders see this… PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH ME! 😀 I am not trying to break anything. I am trying to LEARN

Still working, still learning. Things are coming along and my website is almost back to being rebuilt. WHAT A JOURNEY… But you know what? I’ve learned some good things that I will be able to use from here on out. WordPress is cool. A few more days, and I am going to have to hang a sign! LOL… Yeah RIGH…. Just testing out functionality again…

It’s the constant balance. The struggle for finding out what you should and should not add to your plate. Picking up/volunteering for tasks that leave you overwhelmed only leave you disappointed when things fall through the cracks. And it doesn’t take long for things to start falling through the cracks. I am most grateful to the outside eyes that look at me and tell me I am doing too much or that I have dropped the ball or that I need to slow down… I am even more grateful when I LISTEN….

Apples peaches peanut butter….  Ok… Still learning….  Outstanding team has done an outstanding job on my website. Thank you!!!!

And as the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy moon… Or was it dog?  Oh shucks… I can’t remember. But if you are actually checking into my site and reading… feel free to leave a comment. Because now I have reached the END… Love ya! Dr. Ross.