Inflammation Overdrive Causes Aging Before Your Time – Food Is Medicine

7018506_fsInflammation &  Aging

Inflammation is a natural, innate healing response that your body uses to protect your cells from increased damage.  The purpose of inflammation is to destroy any agent causing injury and to protect your tissues from further, irreversible damage.   Acute inflammation occurs in a relative short time frame – it turns on, reaches a peak, and then tapers down in an average time frame of 3 -14 days.  It is tightly regulated process that does the necessary healing work and then turns off – so to speak.  Chronic inflammation represents those same healing mechanisms in extended overdrive.  This overdrive can damage your vessels, nerves and organs in spite of the healing intent of the process.  Chronic inflammation is one of the biggest contributors to chronic and degenerative disease today.  It is a cause for premature aging, early death and chronic disease.  Some of the medical conditions believed to be directly associated with chronic-inflammation includes: some forms of cancer, coronary artery disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

The Way to a Person’s Heart is Through Their Stomach

Your digestive system is the primary access pathway to chronic inflammation.  You are what you eat and it is important to have some awareness of the changes that eating certain foods can bring to your body at the cellular level.  With the modern day culture for eating more processed foods – we are inadvertently ingesting all sorts of chemicals and toxins that put our inherent healing mechanisms into overtime and overdrive – trying to protect us!

Carbohydrates, the GLYCEMIC INDEX and Inflammation

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load are the actual best measures for meaningful categories of carbohydrates.  Try to transform you thinking of carbohydrates into two categories: high glycemic index vs high glycemic load.   Carbohydrates with high glycemic index promote a rapid rise in blood sugar followed by the release of high levels of insulin.  .  Chronically high circulating levels of insulin promote inflammation and fat storage among other things.  In addition, your fat cells can produce chemicals that cause more inflammation.  All of this is theoretically related to something called Advanced Glycation where these biochemical end products promote inflammation.  Just one simple fork-to-mouth move with the wrong (but probably tasty) food can set off an inflammatory party in your cells.

Pro-Inflammatory Foods (Promote Inflammation and Aging)

Here are 5 common foods that promote inflammation in your body.  I don’t need to tell you how very tasty some of these products can be.  You already know…

  1. Refined Sugar and Sugar Substitutes
  2. Refined Grains
  3. Saturated Fats and Trans Fats
  4. Artificial food additives
  5. Foods that you are allergic to (Sometimes this is obvious, sometimes this is subtle)

Mind, Body, Spirit

There is no separation of mind, body and spirit when it comes to optimal health and well-being.  I don’t know about you, but I find I do much better and am less stressed when I can focus on the things I can and should have – as opposed to the things I should avoid.  A constant mindset of deprivation can lead to feelings of “lack”, “loss”, and grumpiness.  So change your focus and look at all the wonderful things you CAN eat that are healthy for you!  Check out Dr. Andrew Weil’s Anti-inflammatory Food Pyramid.  It has some really good stuff in it.  Keep in mind if you have allergies to any of these foods, keep them off your list of “good and plenty”.

Dr. Weil’s Anti-inflammatory Food Pyramid

Here are a few highlights of Dr. Weil’s Anti-inflammatory Food Pyramid

Water – Crucial to the cells of the body and all the millions of chemical reactions they must operate on a constant basis.

Fruits & Vegetables – Rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.  Eat as many colors as possible.  Raw, steamed or stir-fried are best methods of preparation.  If you can get them organic, that’s great – but not mandatory.

Beans & Legumes – Rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium and soluble fiber.  They are a low-glycemic-load food.

Al Dente Pasta – Pasta that is firm and not soggy is better because the al dente pasta has a lower glycemic index than fully cooked pasta.

Whole & Cracked Grains – Digest more slowly and have more fiber – reducing frequency of spikes in blood sugar that promote inflammation.  Whole grains are literally that, the grains that have not been pulverized by some process.  They take a bit of time to chew – which burns calories!

Healthy Fats – Rich in either monounsaturated or omega-3 fats.  Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols which have antioxidant activity.

Fish & Seafood – Rich in omega-3 healthy fats which are strongly anti-inflammatory.

Whole Soy Foods – Contain isoflavones that have antioxidant activity.

Cooked Asian Mushrooms – Contain compounds that enhance immune function.  Don’t knock them until you try them!

DARK Chocolate – OMG!  CHOCOLATE!!!!!  Provides polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Choose dark chocolate with at least 70 percent pure cocoa.

Red Wine – If you don’t drink, this is no reason to start but red wine has beneficial antioxidant activity for those who enjoy a glass of wine every now and then.

Let Food Be Your Medicine & Your Medicine Be Your Food.

There are a multitude of tasty choices that can be found in an optimal diet.  The anti-inflammatory food pyramid is a healthy generalization that will apply to most people to promote maximal longevity, delay onset of disease and maintain optimal health.

Peace, love, light, wisdom, abundance, joy, balance, harmony, & health to YOU!

Dr. Pamela Ross, MD

Image credit: dundanim / 123RF Stock Photo