Post Author: Pamela Ross, MD

He said WHAT?  Someone, who will remain un-named, stated that people without health insurance should not worry because “they can always go to the Emergency Department.”  Wait a minute.  PUMP YOUR BRAKES!!!!  Administrators, health policy officials and doctors all agree that this is not the direction we want to move


A merry heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)  This is one of my favorite Bible verses because it speaks directly to the power of contentment and joy.  It is an ancient reminder that there are established ties between how you feel


Integrative Medicine is the field of medicine that combines the best practices of conventional medical treatments with complementary medical treatments.  Drs. Martin Albert & Peggy Wright, my friends at Virginia Integrative Medicine, will be conducting a series of workshops that can get help reinforce your goals for optimum health.  Their


Economy, Unemployment, Healthcare, Education, Foreign Affairs… The list of priorities for our country is long and trying to determine what goes first can be a task.  “How do you get healthcare on the forefront of the political agenda?”  Coy Barefoot posed this question to the Q & A panel on


Life calls the tune, we dance.”– J. Galsworthy At a time when I was struggling with the ideology of the profession of medicine and what it meant to be a doctor in America I heard the words:  “You have such an interesting story, could we talk with you a little


It has been said that frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success. While this may be very true – it has my absolute, complete, and full resistance. Welcome to the rebuild of my website after a miscommunication resulted in a crash of